Whole Foods Market CEO, John Mackey, Endorses New Book, “The Self Health Revolution”
(Vocus/PRWEB) March 10, 2011
The notable Whole Foods founder has “enthusiastically” endorsed J. Michael Zenn’s controversial book that some critics say makes some bold claims. Here is a sample of a few of Zenn’s zingers: “Medical Care is the #3 killer in America”, “Almost all meat served in America contains feces”, “The average doctor makes a diagnosis in only 30 seconds”, “Drugs taken as prescribed kill more than prostate cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS combined”, “Half of all men will get cancer and most people already have cancer”, ”35% of all children will be diabetic” and so forth.
Zenn, recently appearing on CBS News, staunchly claimed all of the facts in the book, although surprising, are soundly sourced and well researched.
Not leaving anyone out of this brow-raising book, Zenn blames a blind reliance on the federal government (FDA), big food companies, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community at large as the simplistic, core cause of our failing health and medical care woes. He makes shocking and surprising claims throughout the book to back up this thesis. He points the reader to the 100 or so references in the back of the book and implores them to research the data for themselves.
Whether you buy Zenn’s revved-up rhetoric or not, this short, power-packed, little book, surprisingly produces a jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, laugh-out-loud read. In short, Zenn attempts to convincingly persuade the reader they must seize control of their health now (Self Health) by taking a few, utterly-simple, 15-minute steps to lose weight, escape pain, ward off disease and recapture the energy lost in their youth.
John Mackey, the Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder of Whole Foods Market, exuberantly endorsed the book saying:
“J. Michael Zenn has written a wonderful book…What we need to do is to wholeheartedly embrace the principles of healthy eating and healthy living outlined in ‘The Self-Health Revolution’. I enthusiastically recommend this book!”
Mackey started with one store in 1980 and built Whole Foods Market into a $ 9 billion, Fortune 500 Company and a “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For” winner every year since the contest’s inception in 1998. With over 300 stores and roughly 60,000 employees, Whole Foods Market is one of the top 10 supermarket companies in America and the largest and most recognized natural and organic foods retailer in the world. Mackey has garnered numerous awards and recognitions and was named the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2003. Mackey is a strong supporter of free market economics and is one of the most influential advocates in the movement for organic food in the world.
For those who would like to find it, J. Michael Zenn’s controversial book can be purchased at SelfHealthRevolution.com, Amazon.com, Whole Food Markets, and various other health food and retail book stores. Zenn was most recently featured on CBS News with Sandra Mitchell (Emmy award winning journalist and news anchor). Nearly one million viewers tuned in to watch his first televised interview.
Zenn will soon be embarking on a major media and book signing tour and will be featured on several upcoming prime-time radio and TV shows throughout the country.
Here’s a little taste of more of Zenn’s claims and revelations from the book:
The one hidden ingredient found in our food that’s causing us to get 40% fatter
3 simple, 15-minute steps you can do to get fit and stay thin forever
A forgotten remedy that will get rid of aches and pains forever
The little known reason most people feel tired and run down
One thing that you can do now to extend your life by 15 years
Discover one ingredient that will instantly add vigor and passion to your sex life
Why everyone probably already has cancer; why 50% of all men and 35% of all women are now being diagnosed with cancer and how to avoid it
How to reverse your chronological age by 10 years
The shocking # 3 killer that that virtually no one knows about
Why this generation of children will be the first to live shorter lives than their parents and the reason 1 out of 3 of our kids born today are destined to be obese and diabetic
How Michael Zenn lost 60 lbs and 7 pant sizes by eating more food than he ever had before
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