Ottawa Author Founds Society to Help Orphaned Children in Canada

Ottawa Author Founds Society to Help Orphaned Children in Canada

Ottawa, ON (PRWEB) November 12, 2006

Elizabeth Wiebe, an Ottawa author and advocate for orphaned children in Canada, has recently formed a non-profit society to further promote her efforts to help orphaned and abandoned children in Canada. Called the Elizabeth Wiebe Society for Orphaned Children in Canada, the society’s mission is to “Give orphaned children in Canada a chance by fostering awareness and empathy and promoting a determination to give every child the right to a permanent loving home so that they can evolve in all aspects of their development.”

Ms. Wiebe, author of the recent book “Orphan – Through the Eyes of an Orphan” and an orphan herself, is currently focusing her attention on the issue of making adoptions easier in Canada. “Why is it,” she states, “that Canadian couples find it easier to adopt four overseas children than to adopt a single Canadian child? Abandonment is a real, tangible issue for orphaned children, and the current foster care system simply does not address their special needs. Making adoptions easier in Canada would be a huge step on the road to caring for these children and helping them heal.”

The purpose of the society is not about rescuing individual children, but rather bringing awareness to their plight; about encouraging Canadian society to do a better and more enlightened job of dealing with children who suddenly find themselves without real parents, and improving the chances of these children to be adopted. Through the society, Ms. Wiebe is seeking funding to keep up lobbying pressure on legislators, media and other organizations that will ultimately apply the pressure needed to affect change. Current projects in the works include translation of her book into French, production of an audio version of the book and creation of a second book (see below). Ms. Wiebe also accepts speaking engagements and media interviews.

The society is seeking stories from orphaned or abandoned children, from foster parents and from those trying to adopt Canadian children. A second book, which will incorporate these stories, is in the early writing stages.

More information about the society is available on the website at

Her book, “Orphan – Through the Eyes of an Orphan,” is available online at

To see her previous press release, click here


Bill Brine is an Internet Marketing consultant residing in Nova Scotia. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Elizabeth Wiebe Society for Orphaned Children in Canada and also serves as Corporate Secretary. His website is at


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