Online Pharmacies Offer Relief as More and More Americans Fall Into the Donut Hole, says DoctorSolve
Vancouver, B.C. (PRWEB) August 22, 2006
For more and more seniors and disabled people, the gaping edge of the dreaded Plan D donut hole is in sight. Many have already fallen in.
The donut hole is the point in Medicare Plan D when beneficiaries reach annual drug costs of $ 2,250, including the amount paid by insurance. From here on until their drug costs reach $ 5,100, beneficiaries are expected to pay the full cost of their prescriptions – in addition to paying their monthly premiums.
“Unfortunately because Plan D is so overwhelming and confusing, many seniors didn’t fully understand the meaning of the donut hole when they signed up,” says Dr. Paul Zickler of DoctorSolve online pharmacy services ( “The real ramifications are just beginning to make themselves apparent.”
People with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and mental disorders, or who take several medications are the hardest hit. “Many of them reached the donut hole long ago, and were shocked to discover that after being on the plan only a short time, they had to empty their own wallet to get their medications. At that point, they had to decide between food and their health,” states Zickler.
While Medicare wooed millions of unsuspecting seniors to the D side, it is the donut hole of Plan D that will turn their heads back to the North. “Many patients who gave in to the pressure of Congress and the FDA, and chose not to purchase drugs from online pharmacies will once again realize just how affordable and beautifully uncomplicated it can be,” says Zickler. “With prices 43% cheaper than buying in the U.S., safe products and consistent, attentive service from medical professionals, it is still a better option by far. ”
DoctorSolve, a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC Q37), offers lower-cost, long-term prescriptions. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, DoctorSolve is ranked as one of the best online pharmacies by DoctorSolve has filled more than 200,000 U.S. prescriptions.
For more information, call 1-866-732-0305 or visit
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