Attention All Public Health Emergency Responders, ?Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response? is Now Available

Attention All Public Health Emergency Responders, “Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response” is Now Available

Landover, MD (PRWEB) October 15, 2010

The PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation announces the publication of its fourth book, Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response: Principles & Practice. Written by U.S. Public Health Service leaders with expertise in responding to public health emergencies nationally and internationally, the book provides a comprehensive much-needed reference for all emergency medical response personnel. It organizes a vast array of emergency public health organizational and practice information in a form that allows ready understanding of the principles and practice norms within the field, and their inter-relationships. As noted by the book’s Senior Editor, 17th U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona, the book will “…serve to enhance the knowledge and professionalism of those who are tasked with an emergency response mission.” Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response is an essential resource in learning about the actions and approaches that are utilized in dealing with public health related disasters in this Nation and within the complex global community.

“Wow! Admiral Carmona and colleagues have written the essential disaster manual. Every officer of the Public Health Service, and every civilian responder, will not just study it, but pack it in their duffle bag. Military and academic leaders will also be caught referring to it with the next pandemic, hurricane, earthquake, or bombing. A real service to the nation, indeed to all nations.” — Colonel S. Ward Casscells, MD, US Army Reserve, Tyson Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Public Health, and Vice President, University of Texas at Houston, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (2007-9)

“The challenge in health in the 21st century will be merging public health principles and clinical practice more effectively. Nowhere is this more imperative than in preparation and response to disasters. This book offers the interested reader insight into how that can happen in its discussion of operational implementation of public health and clinical practice in demanding circumstances. One will leave this book at the end impressed and informed by the progress that has been made in improving our care for people in catastrophic events.” — Rear Admiral W. Craig Vanderwagen, USPHS, (Ret.), First DHHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

“Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response: Principles & Practice”

     Editors: VADM Richard H. Carmona, MD, MPH, 17th Surgeon General of the United States, CAPT Robert G. Darling, MC, USN (Ret.), CAPT James E. Knoben, PharmD, MPH, USPHS, (Ret.), RADM Jerrold M. Michael, DrPH, ScD, USPHS, (Ret.)
     Publisher: PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health
     344 Pages, Softbound, Color Cover, 8 3/4″ H x 5 7/8” W


     Retail Price (19 or fewer copies): $ 28.00 per book plus shipping and handling
     Wholesale Price (20 or more copies): $ 25.00 per book plus shipping and handling
     COA Member Price: $ 22.00 per book plus shipping and handling (find code on COA Members Only website under Member Resources then scroll down to Publications)
     To order, visit:
     For orders of 100 or more copies, please contact COF directly at (301) 731-9080


     Up to 9 copies: $ 4.00 per order
     10 copies or More: $ 25.00 per order

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