Top Business Coaches Share Secret Behind Long Term High Performance

Top Business Coaches Share Secret Behind Long Term High Performance

Vancouver (PRWEB) May 24, 2006 –-

In today’s fast paced environment, business professionals must efficiently manage their energy when increasing demands are being placed on their tight time budget. A June 2005 poll by Ipsos-Reid found that 66 percent of 114 Canadian CEOs who participated in the survey reported that “stress, burnout or other physical and mental health issues” are having a negative impact on work force productivity. In 2000, the most recent year for which estimates were done, Statistics Canada calculated the annual cost of work time lost to stress as $ 12-billion.

While Canadian employees constantly have to deal with stressful workplace situations, the 1999 Workplace and Employee Survey found that only 26% of employees had access to employer implemented employee assistance programs aimed at addressing human and financial costs associated with stress.

According to Russell Hunter, National Director of Energy for Performance programs in Canada, “Stress, in and of itself, is not the real enemy for most leaders. Stress can be a great ally and stimulus for growth. The real problem is insufficient renewal and recovery. This requires more than just taking a vacation once in awhile and cutting down on work hours. It requires energy management skills to recover quickly physically, mentally, and emotionally in a moment of stress, as well specific practices to create daily, weekly, and annual renewal. Few leaders have learned how to master these skills the way high performance athletes have, yet the demands placed upon them are even greater at times.”

To help address this growing need, Tekara Organizational Effectiveness is conducting a 2-day workshop on May 24 – 25 in Vancouver as part of a 90-day personal leadership development program called The Energy for Performance Core Program. The program aims to help high performers identify performance barriers and develop specific performance rituals that support key goals. Expert coaches from Tekara will introduce new techniques based on Dr. Jim Loehr’s energy management principles to leaders from all over BC.

Dr. Jim Loehr emphasizes how managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance in today’s 24/7 working environment. “Great leaders begin by effectively managing their own energy. As leaders, they must then mobilize, focus, invest, channel, renew and expand the energy of others” explains Dr. Jim Loehr. The Energy for Performance Core Program, based on Dr. Jim Loehr’s best selling book “The Power of Full Engagement” and over thirty years of work by the Human Performance Institute, will deliver powerful techniques for leaders to increase and skillfully manage their energy capacity.

The barrier to success for most individuals is that conscious effort cannot be sustained over the long run. “One of the most common and costly problems in our industry is burn-out” said Arich Berghammer, the National Senior Director of Operations. To eliminate this problem, the Energy for Performance Core Program trains the corporate athlete to effectively create energy drives for high performance at clearly defined periods of time and then strategically recovering.

Randall Larrimore, the President and CEO of United Stationers Inc. notes, “none of us can operate flat out of 24/7 for 30 to 40 years at peak performance. To spend more time in the ‘value-creating zone,’ executives need to condition themselves through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual training. This program helped me to understand that training would not only benefit me, but also my company. It is the only program I’ve ever done that caused me to truly change my life.” The principle of the program is to create powerful pulses that drive greater efficiency, improved health and happiness, and sustained high performance.

The Energy for Performance model, described as “a very compelling, pragmatic and universal model” by Steve Reineund, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo not only provides resources for individuals to perform more effectively under increasing expectations but has also “transformed the way [Reineund] and [his] executives look at [their] lives”. More information about the course can be found at or by contacting Vivian Tang at 604-638-1000.

About Tekara Organizational Effectiveness Inc.

Tekara Organizational Effectiveness is the exclusive provider of Energy for Performance programs in Canada. They are a leading organizational development firm dedicated to changing the energy and impact of business in Canada. Tekara provides consulting, learning and coaching services to facilitate businesses in change and development. For over 10 years, Tekara has assisted organizations in a wide spectrum of industries to achieve extraordinary performance and business results at the individual, team and organizational level.


Vivian Tang

Tekara Organizational Effectiveness Inc.

#405 – 808 Nelson Street

Vancouver BC, V6Z 2H2

Phone: 604-638-1000


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