2000 Relate UK Staff to Launch Athena Software
Kitchener, Ontario (PRWEB) February 17, 2009
Athena Software and Relate UK announce plans for expansion of software to the remaining network of Relate Centers across the UK. Athena Software was chosen by Relate, the largest relationship counseling agency in the UK with over 600 offices and 2000 staff, to provide a web based, integrated case management solution. Relate recently completed customization and will expand the use of Athena case management software to all staff in the pilot by March 2009 and begin rolling out Athena Software to the remaining 600 locations by end of March 2011. Sarah Caulkin, Director at Relate said,” Athena Software has been a good choice for our organization. Relate is thrilled with Athena technology as it has made it easier to help more clients.”
Athena Software is working with Laurie D’Souza of the Ontario Ministry of International Trade and Investment (MITI) in London to offer software to all 300,000 voluntary social service agencies in the UK. D’Souza said,”We work with companies like Athena Software to promote Canadian technology and accelerate relationships needed to build business between Ontario and the UK.” Dana Fox Director of Business Development Athena Software added, “Clare Barnett and Cheryl Donais of the Ontario International Marketing Center and staff from the Canadian High Commission were incredibly accommodating during a recent trade mission organized by MITI. We met with Dr. Mike Bainbridge and Peter Dyke of the National Health Service to discuss how Athena Software could help UK’s 300,000 voluntary social service agencies with web based case management software and deliver, efficient, improved service. It was an extremely productive week.”
Athena Software is a web based case management software which delivers a powerful and fully integrated case management and client information solution, designed for both private and government funded human health and social service organizations. Athena Software is actively involved as member of the United Nations Global Compact and supports those organizations in the fight against AIDS worldwide.
about athena software.net
Athena software is one of the world’s most powerful and fully integrated case management andclient information solutions designed for counseling, mental health centres and EAP providers. Athena helps its customers reduce operating costs, increase efficiency and improve customer service by integrating human resources, notes, outcome evaluation and billing into one system. Athenasolutions combine decades of combined experience with the power of server based open source database technology. Athena gives the power to innovate and customize the system back to the customer without the cost. We make systems integration easy and affordable for people helping others.
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